Journal of Dermatology Research and Skin Care

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Minimizing injury to the donor area in follicular unit extraction (FUE) harvesting

World Dermatologist Summit and Skin Care Expo
October 30-31, 2017 | Toronto, Canada

Georgios Zontos

American Board of Hair Restoration, Denmark

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Dermatol Res Skin Care


Background: Although FUE is considered to be a minimally invasive procedure the injury to the donor area caused by the punch may result in extensive fibrosis and noticeable hypopigmentation. Objective: To evaluate with advanced image processing the efficacy of using 0.9% NS (normal saline) in minimizing the injury to the donor area in FUE harvesting. Patients & Methods: The term acute extraction was used to describe the technique where a FU is removed when the punch is aligned parallel with the exit hair angle of the hair follicle, whereas the term vertical extraction describes the technique where a FU is removed when NS is injected intradermally before harvesting and the punch is placed at patients were chosen for this study to apply both techniques, then to compare the differences in wound surface, size and skin mass removed by the punch. Results: A significant reduction in the mean values of wound surface and skin mass was recorded in vertical extraction compared to those in acute extraction. Conclusion: The injection of 0.9% NS prior to harvesting proved to be very efficient in minimizing skin injury in FUE harvesting.


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