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Marketing Innovation: A cure for Cancer - A case study from South America

13th World Cancer Congress
February 25-26, 2019 | Paris, France

Samantha Gooden

Guyana Cancer Foundation, Guyana

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Med Oncl Ther


The Guyana Cancer Foundation (GCF) operates in South America with free medical outreach in high-risk, low income communities many of which are in the remote Hinterland areas. However, cancer is a taboo in this South American country, even those who are fighting the disease are unwilling to talk about the condition. In 2017 there was a huge boost in breast cancer awareness when the major telecommunications company partnered with GCF to raise funds and awareness. The month long #PinktoberGuyana Campaign raised over GYD$4.7M and attracted 6,000+ to a single venue for the first and largest walk/ run event of its kind in the country. The approach to marketing focused on social consciousness and social cohesion and unified the racially diverse nation around the cause thereby establishing this event within the national conversation and on the national calendar. Through collaboration, Scotch Bonnet, the marketing agency behind #PinktoberGuyana, created a platform for increased treatment opportunities and increased dialogue between NGOs, the private sector, the public sector, Oncology enthusiasts and others. Scotch Bonnet seeks to pool the knowledge from the 2018 event, which attracted 30,000 people, and augment the learning with current trends, innovations and contemporary marketing methodology. It came up with a theme “Marketing Innovation: A Cure For Cancer – A Case Study from South America”.



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