Journal of Dermatology Research and Skin Care

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Management of atrophic Post-Acne scars

7th Global Summit on Dermatology and Cosmetology
March 14, 2022 | Webinar

Enas Attia

Ain Shams University, VPS Healthcare, UAE

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Dermatol Res Skin Care


Acne scarring is a frequent complication of acne. Scars negatively impact on psychosocial & physical well???being. Optimal treatments significantly improve appearance, QOL & self-esteem of affected people. A wide range of interventions have been proposed for acne scars. This presentation aimed to focus on facial atrophic scarring interventions. Early effective treatment of acne is the best strategy to prevent or limit post???acne scarring. Treating SAE is the gold-standard initial & dramatic step toward improving acne scarring. The management of acne scarring includes various types of resurfacing (chemical peels, lasers, dermabrasion); use of injectable fillers; and also, surgical methods, such as needling, punch excision, or punch elevation and subcision. There are limited RCTs to determine which should be the gold standard treatment against which other treatments. Future studies should include combined therapies versus placebo. Trials should include a power calculation and recruit sufficient participants. Participants, clinical investigators and outcome assessors should be blinded to the treatment allocated. Trials should collect baseline variables (participant demographics, acne lesions and extent, skin phototype, scar duration, and depth of scars) to ensure that they are balanced.


Enas Attia has completed her MD degree and is currently professor of dermatology and venereology in faculty of medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Professor Attia has more than 20 years’ experience in the field in Egypt and Gulf region (Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and UAE). Currently, Dr. Enas is senior consultant Dermatology in VPS Healthcare medical facilities in Al Ain, UAE. Professor Enas Attia is also an eminent researcher and published tens of papers in reputed international journals and contributed to well-known reference books in the field; the latest is atlas of dermatology, dermatopathology and venereology. In addition, professor Attia has been serving as a reviewer and editorial member for several regional and international medical journals.

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