Materials Science and Nanotechnology

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Low-temperature anomalies in thermal properties of YbB50 boride

International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
October 09-10, 2017 London, UK

Nikolay A Zhemoedov

Bryansk State University, Russia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Materials Science and Nanotechnology


Heat capacity and thermal expansion of YbB50 boride have been studied at 2-300 K. The sharp anomaly at about 5 K and smooth humps of the studied properties of boride at elevated temperatures was detected. The excess heat capacity and abnormal contribution to the thermal expansion of YbB50 have been determined by comparison with a paramagnetic LuB50 compound. Low-temperature anomalies of YbB50 thermal characteristics have been attributed to the magnetic phase transition to the antiferromagnetic state. The anomalies at 50150 K temperature region were satisfactory described as results of the ground level splitting by the crystal an electric field (CEF). The scheme of CEF splitting was proposed.


Nikolay A Zhemoedov has completed from Bryansk State University at the age of 22 years. Now he is is a Post-graduate student at Bryansk State University. The field of his scientific interest is low-temperature physics of crystals, which are perspective in modern areas of technology. His research is supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (Project "Development of new thermoelectric materials based on clathrates and clathrate-like substances", No. 16-12-00004, 2016-2018). He took part in some International conferences on the physics and chemistry of borides. He has four publications in reputed journals that have been cited 7 times and two presentations on international conferences. His h-index is two.

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