Linear acceleration over water surface by using magnetic strips
International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
October 09-10, 2017 London, UK
Suresh Kumar Baliyan and Sohan Pal Singh
Saipem, Saudi Arabia Bhanwar Network Limited U.K
Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Materials Science and Nanotechnology
Permanent magnets are known from thousands of years and this human eagerness to utilize magnetic force for useful work. Magnets have north and south poles, similar pole always repel and opposite poles attract each other. Accordingly, herein below I represent the model elucidating the study based on above theory. In my first experiment, I used the magnetic strips, which have thousands of poles on each edge. When a small magnetic strip is placed over water surface inside the disk, disk moves along the long magnetic strip as the water surface is efficient to detect a minute magnetic force in slow motion as shown in Fig. 1. The direction of force on small disk changes with change of orientation of small magnet inside disk over water surface. In second experiment, external magnetic strip is fixed with the outer circular bucket containing water and the internal magnetic strip is tied to the inner circular disk placed over the water surface as shown in Fig. 2. The continuous rotation of internal disk is by maintaining the fixed distance between two disks either point ‘A’ or ‘B’. If fixed distance is set at point ‘A’, the internal disk rotates clockwise and if the fixed distance is set at point ‘B’, the internal disk rotates anticlockwise. The clear visual process is shown in the video available in below link fixed distance is maintained by hand and can be easily possible to maintain by groove mechanism. A linear acceleration is generated along the magnetic strip in first case which is responsible for the motion of the small disk in both directions only by changing the inclination angle, and in second case the continuous force on the internal disk which makes the disk rotating over the water surface. Rotating motion is possible without hand (external) support by fixing the distance mechanically.
Suresh Kumar Baliyan has completed his MTech from National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology Ranchi, India. He is working as Planning Engineer from last 13 years in Oil and Gas Construction Company in Saudi Arabia. He has interest in experimenting with magnets/electrets. He has published one article and presented 1 paper at an international conference.Sohan Pal Singh is the first position as a director. He was in 2011 at Devi Consultancy Ltd. His most recent directorship is with Bhanwar Networks Ltd. This company has been around since 06 Jan 2015. he has held 2 directorships, 1 of which is currently active, and 1 is no longer active