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Intestinal ischemia caused by idiopathic mesenteric hematoma: A case report

October 17, 2022 | Webinar

Taichi Mori and Kazuhiro Hiyama

Atago Hospital, Japan
Atago Hospital, Japan

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Clin Path Lab Med


The patient was a man in his 80s. He presented to our outpatient department with lower abdominal pain and melena. After a thorough examination, strangulated small bowel obstruction was suspected. There was no history of trauma. He had a surgical history of rectal cancer (laparotomy-22 years earlier), chronic atrial fibrillation and gout. The abdomen was distended and tenderness was observed in the lower abdomen. Laboratory tests showed a mildly elevated inflammatory response and remarkably, PT-INR (28.4) was seriously prolonged. A CT scan of the abdomen revealed ascites effusion, edematous changes in the small intestinal wall and increased mesenteric density, which suggested a hematologic origin. The patient was diagnosed with strangulated small bowel obstruction and emergency surgery was performed. Vitamin K and fresh-frozen plasma were administered preoperatively and the patient underwent laparoscopic surgery. A hematoma and bloody ascites filled the abdominal cavity and adhesions of the large and small intestine were observed. The adhesive small intestine showed an anaemic change that suggested ischemia and a large hematoma was observed in the pathologic mesentery. After adhesion lysis, the ischemic small intestine was resected and anastomosed. The patient had no serious postoperative complications except for Grade 1 pseudomembranous enteritis and he was discharged on the 24th postoperative day. Histopathological, the resected specimen showed an intra-mesenteric hematoma and ischemic changes in the perfusion area. Histological examination revealed stasis and haemorrhage from the submucosa to the serosal membrane adhesions. Based on the above, we made a final diagnosis of intestinal ischemia caused by an idiopathic mesenteric hematoma. Retrospectively, the patient was on warfarin for chronic atrial fibrillation and bucolome was added 3 weeks before surgery. Bucolome competitively inhibits cytochrome P450 (CYP)2C9, slowing catabolism of warfarin. Frequent monitoring is recommended when using drugs that potentiate warfarin effects.
Recent Publications :
1. Gomez D, Rahman SH, Guillou PJ: Spontaneous mesenteric haematoma: a diagnostic challenge.
2. Yaryura Montero JG, Petersen ML: Spontaneous mesenteric hematoma associated to warfarin with surgical resolution. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba


Taichi Mori obtained his M.D. at Asahikawa Medical University. After that he started surgical residency in Jyuzen Hospital and Atago Hospital.

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