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Improving success of IUI (intrauterine insemination) by performing procedure after ultrasoud scan confirmation of ovulation

World Congress on Embryology and In vitro Fertilization
November 02-03, 2017 | Chicago, USA

Kingsley Onwuzurigbo

Kingswill Specialist Hospital, Nigeria

Keynote : Res Rep Gynaecol Obstet


Backgroud: Artificial insemination, a simple and cost effective form of fertility treatment (when indicated) is reported to have a low success rate worldwide (less than 20%). Hence, any scientific innovation that could improve on the aforementioned success rate will be well appreciated by both practitioners and couples trying to conceive through this process. Aim: To evaluate the effect of performing intrauterine insemination after confirmation of ovulation on its success. Method: An observational study was carried out on 65 consecutive women who underwent intrauterine insemination between March 2015 and October 2016 at Kingswill specialist hospital. Lagos The procedure was performed after ultrasound scan confirmation of ovulation. All the patients had luteal support with 400 mg of progesterone suppository daily. Result: 28 out of the 65 patients (43.08%) that underwent the procedure (first cycle) were confirmed pregnant 14 days after the procedure. Conclusion: Confirmation of ovulation before performing artificial insemination may be the key in improving its pregnancy rate. This may reduce the number of failed cycles that may eventually require IVF.


Dr Kingsley I. Onwuzurigbo MBBS (Lagos ). FWACS He graduated from the College of Medicine, University of Lagos in 1998 with a distinction in Biochemistry the first professional examination. He did his internships at the Lagos University of Teaching Hospita. After the compulsory National Youth Service, he worked at Providence Hospital lagos for years (one of the pioneer IVF Centres in Nigeria )before doing his residency train Obstetrician and Gy9at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital between 2005 and 2012. He had a training in Advanced Infertility Management in India at one of the FOGSI (Federation o Obstetrics and Gynecology Society of India), recognised training centres in Aurungabad under Dr Pandit Palaskar in 2011. He commenced advanced infertility management afterwards spanning ovulation induction with planned relation, artificial insemination and in vitro Fertilization. He established Kingswill Specialist Hospital Amuwo Odofin , Lagos state in 2012. He recorded a success rate of 56% in his first year on IVF. His research interest include predicting , preventing and management OF OHSS, role of AFC (ANTRAL Follicle Count) as a single prognostic index in predicting response to ovarian stimulation, Relationship between number of follicles aspirated and number of ovum obtained in an IVF cycle; improving successes in IUI, IVF: Where do we go from where are currently? Any new thing? Making a case for preparing prefertilization genetic diagnosis; prevention of parental to offspring transmission of HIV - can assisted conception be the goal

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