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Improved liver function and tumour marker after high dose intravenous vitamin C and Helxior SC injections in a patient with Hepatocellular Carcinoma progressed after chemotherapy and radiation

13th World Cancer Congress
February 25-26, 2019 | Paris, France

Ehab Mohammed

Cairo University, Egypt

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Med Oncl Ther


Advanced hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most aggressive and poorly controlled malignancies with a limited survival time. Usually, patients with advanced and progressive hepatocellular carcinoma develop deterioration of their liver functions which can be a major cause of their mortality. I am reporting a case of a 71 years old male patient with an advanced hepatocellular carcinoma who had progression after transhepatic chemoembolization and radiation therapy with deterioration of liver function tests then after receiving high dose intravenous vitamin C and subcutaneous Helixor, his liver function returned to normal, and up to the moment of writing this research, he is enjoying a normal liver functions and high physical performance. Most important is that his tumour marker (alfa fetoprotein) retrned normal after 6 months of his Vitamin C and Helixor treatments. The use of high dose intravenous vitamin C and Helixor injections can improve the liver functions, and overall physical performance in a patient with advanced and progressed hepatocellular carcinoma and deteriorating liver function. Most importantly, in this patient, his tumour marker was lowered to a normal valuses after 6 months of tretament.



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