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Implementation of Obstetric and Neonatal emergency care at the social and health animation center in Yaounde (Cameroon) during the year 2022

8th International Conference GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS
April 27-28, 2023 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Michele Florence Mendoua

University of Yaoundé, Cameroon

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Res Rep Gynecol Obstet


Introduction: International experts have indicated emergency Obstetric and Neonatal care as the tool for effective management of emergences cases in Obstetrics. This is care reserved for pregnant women, paturients, those who have given birth and incidentally for new-borns with Obstetric pathologies or complications requiring immediate medical treatment and provided 24h/24 and 7j/7. In Cameroon, the maternal mortality ration has experienced a substantial decrease of 40% ranging from 782 deaths in 2011 to 467 per 100,000 births in 2018. However, this rate remains worrying, hence the interest of studying the implementation of Obstetric and Neonatal Emergency Care at the Social and Health Animation Center in Yaounde. Methods and results: It was a cross-sectional study ranging from September 1st to December 1st 2022; in the obstetrics and gynaecology department of the Social and Health Animation Center during the define period and consenting to participate in the study, adolescents who had obtained a parental consent were registered. The sampling was non- probabilistic of convenience. After obtaining administrative authorizations, the information collected was used in a confidential manner. The data analysis was carried out with the statistical software CSP10 version 7. We registered 1275 pregnant women, 343 patients had an Obstetric complication, a frequency of 26.9%. The age group of 25-30 years was predominant, 30.9%. The majority of women with an Obstetric complication had no contributing personal history, 89.5% but 23 patients had a surgical history, 6.7%. Malaria in pregnancy was the main indirect obstetric complication. Direct obstetric complications were at the top of the list 83.4%. Regarding the indicators, the coverage of emergency obstetrics care needs was satisfactory, 89.4%; 322 were prescribed, 288 were carried out, the maternal fatality rate was 0.58%. Conclusion: At the end of this work, we observed that emergency Obstetric and Neonatal care are available at the Social and Health Animation Center in Yaounde and their effective implementation is satisfatory according to the indicators set by the World Health Organization. However, an improvement in the coverage of obstetrics care needs by the installation of a blood bank. Recent publications 1. Binam F., La prise en charge des urgences ; un modèle d’organisation pour les pays en développement, Karthala, 2013, Paris, 164 pp. 2. OMS, 2011 Personnel de sante?, infrastructures sanitaires et me?dicaments essentiels : Statistques sanitaires Mondiales. 3. UNICEF, WHO, UNFPA. Guidelines for monitoring the availability and use of obstetric services. New York, United Nations Children Fund, 2011.


Michèle Florence Mendoua is an accomplished academic who obtained her education from the University of Yaounde in Cameroon. With a strong background in her field, she has made significant contributions to the academic community and is dedicated to furthering the pursuit of knowledge.

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