Journal of Dermatology Research and Skin Care

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Human beta-defensin 1 circulating level and gene polymorphism in non-segmental vitiligo Egyptian patients

7th Global Summit on Dermatology and Cosmetology
March 14, 2022 | Webinar

Azza Gaber Antar Farag MD, Mohamed Abd AlMoneam Shoeib MD, Azza Zagloul labeeb MD, Amany Salah
Khalifa MD, Mustafa Elsayed Elshaib, Hayam Mohamed Aboelnasr Hanout MD and Hagar Mahmoud AbdElkader

Menoufia University, Egypt

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Dermatol Res Skin Care


Background: Vitiligo represents an acquired depigmented skin disorder. It has a genetic and an auto immune background. Human beta defensin-1(HBD-1) plus its gene polymorphism were linked to some autoimmune disorders. Results: There was a significant lower HBD-1 serum levels in NSV cases than controls (p<0.001). There was a significantly predominance of GG DEFB1 genotype and G allele in NSV patients than controls (p<0.001). The levels of serum HBD- 1 and DEFB1 genotypes were not associated or correlated significantly with any of the personal and clinical parameters of vitiligo patients. Conclusions: DEFB1 gene polymorphism (GG genotype and G allele) may modulate vitiligo risk and contribute to vitiligo development in Egyptian populations. Decreased circulating HBD-1 levels might have an active role in vitiligo etiopathogenesis that could be mediated through its possible anti- inflammatory effects. Keywords: Human beta-defensin; gene polymorphism; nonsegmental vitiligo.


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