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How to make a universally defined definition of 'Fever' and 'Hyperthermia'?

7th International Conference on GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS
June 28, 2022 | Webinar

K M Yacob

Marma Health Centre, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Res Rep Gynaecol Obstet


Today, fever is defined as a body temperature of 38 degrees Celsius (100.40 F). Hyperthermia is diagnosed at the same temperature. The only common sign of fever and hyperthermia is a temperature above 38 degrees. Since there is no difference between fever and hyperthermia, both conditions are treated by lowering body temperature. Therefore, no specific definition, diagnosis, or treatment is required to distinguish between the two. Researchers agree that ‘fever’, and ‘hyperthermia’, are not yet universally defined1 and that there is no basic knowledge of fever in the modern medical literature2. There is a difference between fever and the temperature of fever. Temperature of fever is only a part of the fever. Both during the start and the conclusion of a fever, the temperature does not increase. There is a difference between fever and the temperature of fever, symptoms of fever and symptoms of hyperthermia, and signs of fever and signs of hyperthermia, actions of fever, and actions of hyperthermia. There are no similarities between these. But there is no similarity between what happens when there is a fever and what happens when there is hyperthermia, and they are contradictory. The symptoms, indications, and behaviors of fever and hyperthermia differ significantly. There is no similarity between these. Fever-inducing drugs cannot cause hyperthermia. Nor can fever be created by hot substances that cause hyperthermia. Fever cannot be created by heat-inducing substances. Fever can be created by heat-reducing materials. In Tamil Nadu, "Thalaikkuoothal" refers to the technique of killing someone by inducing a fever. Fever never shows symptoms, signs and actions of hyperthermia. At the same time, fever also exhibits all of the hypothermia's symptoms and warning indications. That indicates that these occurrences are supported by a shared basic science.
Recent Publications:
1. K M Yacob. Marma Health Centre, India. K M Yacob, The purpose of temperature of fever Pediatr Ther 2018, Volume 8. DOI: 10.4172/2161-0665-C9-074.
2. Mathai Y (2021) The Purpose of Temperature of Fever in Covid -19. J Pat Care 7:e102.


K. M. Yacob is a practicing physician in the field of healthcare in the state of Kerala in India for the last 34 years and is very much interested in basic research. His interest is spread across the fever, inflammation, and back pain. He is also a writer. He already printed and published ten books on these subjects. He also wrote hundreds of articles in various magazines. After scientific studies, he had developed 8000 affirmative cross-checking questions which can explain all queries related to fever.

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