How patients perceive healthcare services: A case of Ayub Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad - Pakistan. SERV service QUAL quality
Joint Event on World Summit on Healthcare & Hospital Management & International Conference & Exhibition onBiologics and Biosimilars
March 26-27, 2018 | Orlando, USA
Muhammad Ali
Baskent University, Turkey
Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Asian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci
A field study was conducted in Ayub Teaching Hospital in the outpatient department, to evaluate the level of service quality offered by the healthcare services with a view to identifying the relationship between service quality dimensions and overall service quality. The researchers used the SERVQUAL instrument for the purpose of assessing the quality of the service offered by the healthcare workers at the outpatient department in Ayub Teaching Hospital. A sample of 246 patients in the outpatient department participated in the questionnaire survey. The results revealed that patients are dissatisfied with three dimensions (tangibles, reliability, and assurance), but they are satisfied with the other two dimensions (responsiveness and empathy). This research adopts the marketing concept to measure the health care services. The SERVQUAL tool was modified as per need to meet the requirements in accordance with the nature and scope of the research. Patientsâ attitudes toward service quality dimensions were the concern of the research. Consequently, based on the results, the new structure can be designed by adopting strategies that improve the quality of services in order to provide effective services and gain patientsâ satisfaction and propensity to further recommend the services of health care to other patients. This study investigates the health care quality in a small area in Pakistan. Future research can adopt the SERVPREF technique, which is a more developed technique than SERVQUAL in order to measure service quality as it provides a two-factor solution for the dimensionality of health service quality. e: