Journal of Brain and Neurology

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Freediving of a patient with movement dysabilities

10th International Conference on Neurological Disorders and Stroke
September 13, 2021 | Webinar

Golez Ana

General and Teaching Hospital Celje, Europe

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Brain Neurol


Patients with movement disabilities like diving as they can move freely, which is a big problem for them out of water. Their movement, strength, endurance and quality of life are improved. 70-year old man with an inverse total endoprosthesis of right shoulder, native type of endoprosthesis of left shoulder, total endoprosthesis of both hips and knees, after a surgery due to a herniated disc at spine level L5-S1, repeated some dives with a proffesional diver. After them physical and emotional status improved significantly. He could walk better, his balance improved, as well as range of motion of joints and strength. Pain became weaker. There were no complications and the patient is going to repeat diving in the future. In the literature positive results of diving of patients with movement disabilities are reported. Our patient is one of them. Diving could be one possibility for disabled patients to improve their quality of life.


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