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Extensive pemphigus vegetans in a filipino female

April 22, 2022 | Webinar

Maicka Keirsten O. Agon

Rizal Medical Center, Philippines

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Dermatol Res Skin Care


Pemphigus vegetans, a clinical variant of pemphigus vulgaris accounting for 1-2% of all cases, is a rare autoimmune blistering disease characterized by flaccid pustules, vesicles, or bullae that erode and form hypertrophic vegetative plaques with vesicles or pustules at the periphery of these lesions. We report a case of an 18-year old Filipino female initially presenting with a 5-month history of oral ulcers and appearance of vegetating hyperpigmented pruritic plaques extensively involving face and body a month later. Histopathologic findings revealed an intraepidermal split with acantholysis, pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, mild superficial perivascular dermatitis, and markedly dense infiltrates composed of lymphocytes, eosinophils, and histiocytes. Direct immunofluorescence (DIF) showed intercellular deposits of IgG, C3, and IgA. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) revealed elevated levels of desmoglein 3 (Dsg3). The patient was started on high-dose oral prednisone and azathioprine, which showed improvement after 4 weeks of treatment. To our knowledge, this is the most extensive case of pemphigus vegetans reported in literature. Recent Publications 1. Matsuyama K, Tokuzumi M, Takahashi T, Shu E, Takagi H, Hashimoto T, et al. Elevated serum eosinophil cationic protein and transforming growth factor- α levels in a patient with pemphigus vegetans. Clin Exp Dermatol 2018;43(8):917-20. 2. Suwarsa O, Sutedja E, Purbo H. The rare case of pemphigus vegetans in association with malnutrition children in the multidisciplinary management. Case Rep Dermatol 2017;40161(38):145-50. 3. Verma G, Tegta G, Sharma A, Kaur M, Sharma S. A rare case of extensive pemphigus vegetans. Indian Dermatol Online J 2019;11(1):87-90.


Maicka Keirsten O. Agon earned her bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences specializing in Biomedical science from the Ateneo de Manila University and her medical degree in 2017 from the University of Santo Tomas, faculty of Medicine and Surgery. She then finished her Dermatology residency training at the Rizal Medical Center, Philippines.

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