Evaluation of the admission reasons and the response rates of the HBV vaccination at the adult vaccination polyclinic
July 26-27, 2017 | Vancouver, Canada
Sukran Kose, Sabri Atalay, Melda Turken and Basak Gol Serin
Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Virology research J
Introduction: One of the main routes of prevention from the infectious diseases is vaccination. Due to the ageing of the world population, the number of people who are at risk of infections has increased. Moreover, because of the common travels to the regions under risk and the increase in the numbers of people who have chronic diseases, who got immunosuppressive treatment, who got organ and/or tissue transplantation and who are diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, adult vaccination gained importance. In this study, it is aimed to determine the main reasons of applying to adult vaccination polyclinic and the response rates to HBV vaccination. Material and Methods: People who applied to adult vaccination polyclinic in 10 years between 2006-2016 for HBV vaccination and who applied for pneumococcal vaccination in last one year were evaluated in this study. Socio-demographic features such as age, sex of the patients were assessed, besides the indication for vaccination. HBV vaccination was administered by 0.-1.-6 months schedule for people who had no immunosuppressive disease or condition. For people who are immunosuppressed, or solid organ recipients or HIV/AIDS patients, the same scheme was administered with double dose. Response to HBV vaccination was assessed by the measure of anti HBs antibody and the level of >10 IU/mL was considered as protective response. Pneumococcal vaccine was administered with PCV13 and PPSV-23 according to MMWR recommendations. Results: A total of 2808 patients who vaccinated for HBV in ten years and 47 patients who vaccinated for pneumococcal vaccines for one year were evaluated in the study. 58% and 21% of the vaccination applicants were female for HBV and pneumococcal vaccination, respectively. The main indication for HBV vaccination was living with a person who has HBV infection (84%). Other vaccination indications were; to be healthcare personnel (11.1%), to have chronic HCV infection and other liver disease (5.5%), to be hemodialysis patient (3.1%) and to have cancer (2.6%). The response for HBV vaccination was evaluated in 2346 persons and 93.4% of them was found in protective levels (>10 IU/mL). Most of people who have been vaccinated with pneumococcal vaccine were patients who are diagnosed with HIV/AIDS (59.5%), followed by renal transplant candidates, who performed splenectomy and who has recurrent meningitis. Only three of the patients were 65 years or older. Conclusion: The HBV vaccination response rates were found to be comparable with the general response of the vaccine. It is observed that application number of people, who applied for HBV vaccination and are under risk for sexually transmitted diseases, is low. Moreover, the application rate of people who applied for pneumococcal vaccination and have chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, chronic heart, kidney, liver, lung diseases and are over 65, was also observed to below.