Epidermoid cyst of the auricle: A common cyst at a rare site
Webinar on Otorhinolaryngology: ENT Surgery and Cosmetics
February 09, 2022
Vinson Louis Gonzaga Fernandes
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation, USA
Keynote : Otolaryngology Online
Epidermoid cysts are benign, developmental, superficial cysts found commonly on the face, trunk and neck. Its presence on the ear lobe is very rare. They are mostly asymptomatic but can become infected or in??amed. We shall describe the occurrence of an epidermoid cyst on the auricle along with the presence of a dermoid cyst over the occipital scalp and elaborate on the patient presentation, diagnosis, management along with the post-operatives follow up.
Vinson l.g. Fernandes completed his mbbs and masters in otolaryngology and head & neck surgery from goa medical college, goa, India. he has also completed his mrcs ent and is a member of the royal college of surgeons of edinburgh. he has 9 publications to his name in reputed international and national journals. he is very keen on research and is passionate about Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery