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Entanglement of twins: A nightmare for Obstetrician

6th International Conference on Gynecology and Obstetrics
January 10, 2022 | Webinar

Swati Tyagi

Lady Hardinge Medical College, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Res Rep Gynaecol Obstet


The entanglement of twin fetuses is a very rare but important obstetrical complication. Its incidence is 1:90000 of all deliveries and 1:1000 of twin deliveries. Among the various presentations of twin in utero, entanglement to occur when both in cephalic presentation is even more rare. This case report will discuss the presentation and outcome of one such case where a primigravida, 24years old, twin gestation (DC-DA) at term, admitted in early labor. Prolonged second stage of labor with delay in descent of head of twin A was observed. So, head of twin A delivered by forceps application but rest of body didn’t deliver. On examination, shoulder of twin A was found to be stuck above the head of twin B (felt posteriorly) and no membranes felt below twin B. FHS of twin A dipped to 60 bpm. Patient was immediately shifted for emergency LSCS. Preoperatively, shoulders of dorso-anterior twin A in oblique were present below the incision line, but head of twin B (who was dorso- posterior) was present below the shoulders. Body of twin A was delivered first by Patwardhan technique, then twin B was delivered as vertex, followed by twin A completely. This case study throws light over a very important point of keeping a high degree of suspicion for collision of twins in case of prolonged second stage of labor as timely diagnosis and decision for caesarean section can decrease the morbidity.


Swati Tyagi has completed her MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology) from Lady Hardinge Medical College, India in year 2016. She is practicing in this field since then with special interest in high-risk pregnancies and reproductive medicine. She has been awarded with Prof. Dr. Sunita Mittal award for Best Gynecology Resident in year 2016. She had many oral paper presentations in her bag from year 2015 till now and actively participated as organizing committee in conferences held by her institution. She had 4 publications till now in reputed gynecology journals and working on few other studies whose results are awaited.

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