Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapeutics

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March 25-26, 2019 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Mohammad Shaban

Health Point Hospital, UAE

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Cardiovasc Med Ther


Background: Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) it’s the way to save someone life after he suffer of cardio-pulmonary arrest, this need good knowledge from many aspect like: human anatomy and physiology, awareness of ECG and its arrhythmia, skills of IV/IO lines and correct practice of hand chest compression and ventilation. CPR team contain 6 members: team leader, compressor, airway/ventilation, defibrillator/ Monitor, IV/Medication, Observer/ Recorder.

Objective: This study demonstrates the psychological condition for the CPR team when they work under stress.

Methods: A schedule training was conducted frequently for nurses who’s selected to be a member in CPR team, they have been chosen from different area and specialties. By providing life support courses as initial step, then train them for the communication skills and the proper way to interact for different clinical situation, discuss with them the potential challenges that they could face it, conducting frequent mock drills in training room and in small clinic before go to hospital level in critical care area and busy area. Finally conduct summarize and review of mock drill out come with positive and negative points. Give a chance for team to be self-directed and perform an action plan for improving performance.

Results: The result show that CPR team have a higher performance in vary situation and areas, enhancing the 8 element of successful CPR team as per ACLS that maintain the level of professional and performance for all team and have positive impact for the entire health care organization.

Conclusions: Quality of professional communication are required for life support skills and it is mandatory to maintaining patients life and minimizing potential errors and decline the hospital rate of morbidity and mortality.


Mohammad Shaban is currently working as clinical educator and head of education department in Health Point Hospital- Abu Dhabi. As clinical educator she believes that nurses must keep updated with knowledge and skills because of the evolution in nursing science and researches, every day is good chance to develop our knowledge and skills by maintaining education for nurses in many ways, from open discussion with nurses, direct observations for nurses skills and knowledge test, cover the nurses gap analysis with unit managers, establish educational plans with nursing administration. Through her education activity (CME lectures, case presentation, practice demonstration, Conferences, workshops… etc.), she hopes that she will be able to gain impact in future nursing education, share her clinical expertise and participate in research. She believes by participating in nursing conferences, the clinical educator will be able to share and deliver care-effective, cost effective and performance-effective leadership, prepare front-line leaders, educators and researchers which will have direct and indirect impact on their leadership insights and their achievements.


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