Journal of Agricultural Science and Botany

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Computational modelling of molecular signaling in plant stomatal closure

3rd Annual Congress on Plant Biology & Agricultural Sciences
April 04, 2022 | Webinar

Sandhya Samarasinghe

Complex Systems, Big Data and Informatics
Initiative (CSBII), Newzealand

Keynote : J Agric Sci Bot


Statement of the Problem: Stomatal Closure is one of the most important mechanisms used by plants to prevent water loss under drought stress. Within few minutes of experiencing drought stress, stomata, the aperture between two guard cells located on plant leaves closes under the influence molecular signaling mediated by phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA), an endogenous messenger in plant abiotic stress. ABA signaling network is complex with many elements participating to achieve stomatal closure. How this systems functions is not fully understood and many reactions in the system are yet to be unraveled. This study explores the organization and function of the ABA signaling network computationally to simplify the network for better understanding and modelling to gain useful insights. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: This study constructs the ABA molecular signaling network from literature to study its structural properties using network analysis and develops a Boolean computational model to explore its function. Findings: The results show that the ABA signaling network displays a modular functional hierarchy. The Boolean modelling revealed a robust process flow towards closure and closure maintenance. Conclusion & Significance: This study shows that ABA signaling system is organized meaningfully to robustly achieve stomatal closure. The findings of the study are useful for genetic manipulations to improve plant resistance.


Dr Sandhya Samarasinghe is a Professor of AI and Complex Systems at Lincoln University, New Zealand, where she is also the Head of Complex Systems, Big Data and Informatics Initiative (CSBII). She graduated with MS and PhD (Engineering) from Virginia Tech, USA. Her current research involves Computational Systems Biology where she uses AI, Neural Networks and Complex Systems Modelling to address complex intractable problems in biology from a holistic systems view. Her research covers modelling cell signaling networks including plant stress response, cell cycle and self-repair and regeneration in biological organisms. She has published books, book chapters and a significant number of peer-reviewed publications on modelling and biology and produced many AI models for industrial applications. She is a Fellow of the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

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