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Calprotectin detected gold nanoparticles by Lecithin-Tranexamic acid as a targeted biosensor

International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
October 29-30, 2018 | London, UK

Wei-Lun Wang

Gene e Tech Co. Ltd, Taiwan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Mater Sci Nanotechnol


Calprotectin constitutes up to 60% of soluble protein content in the cytosol of neutrophil granulocytes and it can be found at a lower concentration in monocytes, macrophages and squamous epithelial cells. Calprotectin enters into pus and abscess fluid during neutrophil cell death, along with other antimicrobial proteins. A biosensor is an analytical device, used for the detection of an analyte, that combines a biological component with a physicochemical detector. However, rapid screen has been a time trend in today’s medical field. Using the new nanoparticles (NPs), a natural and precise one that combine Lecithin and Tranexamic acid, is that watch the change of the absorption wavelength 500 - 850nm could be resulted in the concentration of calprotectin from stool. And then obtain the relative data could be the gastrointestinal health.


Wei-Lun Wang is PhD in graduate Institute of Fisheries Science of National Taiwan University. Currently he is working in R&D in Gene’e Tech Co., Ltd.


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