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Bioterrorism: A potential security threat to Nigeria; Biotechnology and information/ communication technology to the rescue

10th International Conference on Food Science and Food Safety & 24th Global Biotechnology Congress

Ekpa Emmanuel, Nwakacha Valentine and Ihesiaba Chinedum

Air Force Institute of Technology Kaduna, Nigeria
Greenfield University, Nigeria

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Arch Ind Biotechnol


Bioterrorism as a potential security threat to Nigeria and other Nations of the world is no more mere a theory but a disaster bidding for its time except drastic measures are taken. The unique and ever evolving fields of Biotechnology and information/Communication however provide vast range of knowledge and application that can be utilized in tackling this looming danger. Bioterrorism simply refers to any type of terrorist activity in which bio agents like microorganisms or their metabolites are used. One of the best biodefense strategies against the menace of bioterrorism is to develop capacity for early detection, prevention, and mitigation of these bio destructive agents. The impact of bioterrorism through these agents is visible only after an incubation period, therefore a swift detection and identification of these organisms is of topmost priority. The use of information technology via the internet of things and biotechnology via bioinformatics offers effective solutions to dealing with any threat that might emanate from acts of bioterrorism. The goal of this current review therefore, is to bring to public consciousness the phenomenon of bioterrorism and application of knowledge in both biotechnology and information/communication technology as possible panacea. Keywords: Bioterrorism, Bio agents, Biotechnology, Information and communication technology.


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