Archives of General Internal Medicine

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Assessment of the Knowledge and Approach of General Dentists Who Treat Children and Pediatric Dentists Regarding the Proper Use of Antibiotics for Children

Medical & Life Science Event 2022
March 28, 2022 Webinar

Sigalit Blumer*,Moran Rubanenko,, Kayan Maalof, Shlomo Elbahary, Lazar Katz and
Johnny Kharouba

Tel Aviv University, Israel

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Arch Gen Intern Med


Antibiotics are widely used in medicine and dentistry for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. Excessive use can induce resistant bacterial strains. Increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics is well documented in children and poses a serious concern in global health. Dentists often provide antibiotics unnecessarily. There are certain indications for the proper use of antibiotics for pediatric dentistry according to the European and American Pediatric Dentistry (EAPD and AAPD). Objectives This study aimed to examine the level of knowledge among general dentists (who also treat children) and pediatric dentists on proper use of antibiotics. In addition, we examined whether there is unjustified use of antibiotics, if dentists are aware of the new and conservative approach of administering antibiotics to patients, and whether there is a relationship between years of professional seniority and dentist's knowledge level of proper use of antibiotics. Methods One hundred general dentists (GD) who treat children in addition to 100 pediatric dentists (PD) completed the study questionnaires which measured knowledge, practice and attitudes regrading using antibiotics during dental treatment among children. Results The general average of level of knowledge on proper use of antibiotics among general dentists was relatively low for both GDs (60.7%) and PDs (65%). PDs demonstrated relatively greater knowledge of correct use of antibiotics, especially in cases of endodontics and trauma. PDs also showed higher awareness to latest guidelines for the admission of “prophylactic antibiotics” according to the American Association (AAPD) and/or the European Union (EAPD) compared with GDs (86.2% vs. 66.3%).


Dr. Sigalit Blumer is the only and most seasoned pediatric dental specialist in Holon. Dr. Blumer is one of the leading pediatric dental specialists in Israel. She is a member of the Professional Committee tasked with maintaining the professional and ethical standards of pediatric dental specialists in Israel, and also a member of the Israel Dental Association and the Association of Pediatric Dentistry.

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