ART chewing gum: A linkage to care
International Conference on Materials Science and Materials Chemistry
August 20-21, 2018 | Paris, France
Rahul Hajare
National AIDS Research Institute, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Mater Sci Nanotechnol
The oral effects of HIV and AIDS occur because of your weakened immune system and the medicines that kept under control. These effects have also found in other people with weakened immune systems. Dry mouth (xerostomia) because people with HIV have an increased risk of cavities, a dentist will provide a program to reduce the risk. This may include fluoride varnishes applied in the dental office, toothpaste that add minerals to teeth and rinses that contain fluoride or reduce acid (acidity of mouth) in the mouth. Patient education has an essential part of this program. Dry mouth has xerostomia has a symptom of HIV infection but not something that would be used as a diagnostic tool. There are many reasons if you have HIV, changes in the mouth may reflect changes in immune status. Dry mouth (xerostomia) has a common side effect of medicines that may take for HIV/AIDS. Dry mouth can make more prone to tooth decay, gingivitis, thrush (oral yeast infection) and periodontal (gum) disease. That’s because have less saliva, and the quality of the saliva is changed exponentially. Besides water, saliva includes electrolytes, mucus, antibacterial compounds, enzymes and other proteins. The amounts of these substances change in people with dry mouth. A decrease in saliva reduces its ability to wash away sugars, food, bacteria and the acids that bacteria produce. These acids cause teeth to decay. A dentist can prescribe a fluoride rinse or gel or a saliva substitute to counteract the increased risk of tooth decay and thrush.
Rahul Hajare is a bright student of the renowned immunologist, R.S.Paranjape, retired director & Scientist ‘G’ National AIDS Research Institute India. He has completed his PhD at the age of 32 from Vinayaka Mission University and postdoctoral studies from Indian Council of Medical Research Delhi. Currently, he is working in the National AIDS Research Institute Pune on transcutaneous DNA vaccination, Nipah drug delivery systems, new cancer drug delivery systems and specific antibodies attached drug delivery systems and DNA vaccination.