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Antimicrobial Effectiveness of a Silver Nanoparticle Gel and a Gold Nanobar Gel activated by Photothermal Therapy on a biofilm of E. Faecalis. Ex Vivo Study

2nd International Conferences on Nanotechnology & Chemistry
April 06-07, 2022 | Webinar

Vivian-Maria Galdamez-Falla

Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Pharm Chem Chem Sci


Endodontics is a specialty in the field of Dentistry that consists of the elimination of bacteria in the root canal. The objective is the disinfection, instrumentation and three-dimensional filling of the root canal. The success of endodontic treatment is achieved by a mechanical and a chemical action. Mechanics refers to the use of instruments within the canal such as files for disorganization of the biofilm and chemistry through the antibacterial action of irrigating solutions. Most endodontic studies are based on the elimination of bacteria, since for the success of a root canal treatment, the bacteria must be eliminated in the highest possible percentage. The microorganisms inside the root canal are in the form of biofilm, which is why their elimination is more difficult, also due to the anatomy of the root canal. The most widely used irrigant today is sodium hypochlorite (1%, 2.5%, 5.25%), however, due to its toxicity towards the soft tissues of the patient, today an adjuvant or a replacement is sought for this for a safer use when performing endodontic treatment. In this study, it was proposed to make and use a gel with gold nanoparticles (Ch-AuNR’s) and a silver nanoparticle gel (Ch-AgNP’s) activating it with photothermal therapy (PPTT, 830nm diode laser) and testing its antimicrobial effect. in a 24-hour biofilm, performed on roots extracted from human teeth. The samples were instrumented and sterilized and then made a biofilm of E. faecalis for 24 hours with the static method, it was carried out in the root canals, these roots were previously split in half longitudinally, so that at the time of making the biofilm it could be possible to do only in the canal without having contamination of the external surface of the root and to have access to place the laser directly on the gels. By having the 24-hour biofilm, the samples were randomly divided into 4 groups, the experiment was performed in triplicate. Group A: Ch-AuNR’s with PPTT, group B: Ch-AgNP’s with PPTT, group C: growth control (sterile water) and group D: inhibition control (NaOCl 5.25%). Depending on the group, in the middle of each tooth root, 1ml of gel, sterile water or 5.25% hypochlorite was placed in the root canal. In the groups where gel was used, an 830nm diode laser was applied directly for 2 min. Each root was rinsed with sterile water to remove the applied material, placed in eppendorf tubes and placed in the incubator at 36 ° C for 24 hours. After 24 hours, dilutions were made, the dilutions were seeded on agar plates and after 24 hours of incubation, the colony forming units (CFU) were counted. There was no statistically significant difference (<0.05) between groups A (Ch-AgNP’s) and D (NaOCl 5.25%) but there was a statistically significant difference (> 0.05) compared to the control group growth C (sterile water). There was no statistically significant difference (<0.05) in group B (Ch-AgNP’s) compared to the growth control group C. A statistically significant difference (> 0.05) was found in the groups A and D compared to group B. The use of gold nanobar gel with photothermal therapy may be useful as an adjunct to endodontic treatment, however, it requires more research for its use in endodontic therapy. In the group of silver nanoparticles, the expected result was not found, so its use against E.faecalis could be ruled out since there are already studies that demonstrate the resistance of E. faecalis to silver nanoparticles


Vivian María Galdámez Falla is 31 years old, from Guatemala, where she graduated Dental School in 2015 at Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) . In 2017 she graduated from a Master’s Degree in Endodontics from Universidad Autonóma de San Luis Potosí (UASLP), México. Currently she is studying a PhD in Dental Sciences in UASLP. All the collaborators are professors of the PhD in Dental Sciences in the Faculty of Stomatology and in the Faculty of Sciences in the Universidad Autonóma de San Luis Potosí (UASLP).

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