Journal of Biotechnology and Phytochemistry

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Annotation of the kytococcus sedentarius genome from DNA coordinates 1060198 to 1066421

Joint Event on 3rd International Conference on Food Science & Technology & World Congress on Biotechnology & Medical Microbiology
October 25-26, 2018 | Frankfurt, Germany

Aparna Viswanathan

University of Buffalo, USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Biotech and Phyto


Kytococcus sedentarius is a gram-positive, free-living, non-motile and strictly aerobic organism. It is originally isolated from marine environment and occurs in tetrads. Kytococcus sedentarius belongs to a poorly studied family of Dermacoccaceae and has a high GC content of 72%. Studying about Kytococcus sedentarius is important as it is an opportunistic pathogen causing pitted keratolysis, endocarditis and hemorrhagic pneumonia. Kytococcus sedentarius also produces antibiotics known as oligoketides(Sims et al., 2009). Ksed_RS13525, Ksed_RS13530, Ksed_RS05075, Ksed_RS05080, Ksed_RS05085, Ksed_RS05090, Ksed_RS05095.GENI-ACT was used to annotate the sequences. Basic information module, sequence based similarity data, structure based similarity, cellular localization data, alternate open reading frame, enzymatic function, duplication and degradation, horizontal gene transfer, RNA.Three of the given genes (Kytococcus sedentarius_RS13525, Ksed_RS13530, Ksed_RS05090) were annotated by the computer as hypothetical proteins and require further research. The rest of the four genes appeared to be correctly annotated in the computer database. Kytococcus sedentarius_RS05095 has a strong evidence of horizontal gene transfer.



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