Journal of Trauma and Critical Care

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Analysis of the results of a preclinical study of physiological resorbable membranes based on a composition of polyvinyl alcohol with the addition of C60 fullerenes for targeted bone regeneration

December 05-06, 2022 | Dubai, UAE

Andrey Kabankov and Aleksandr Ivanov

Military Medical Academy, Russia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Trauma Crit Care


C60 fullerenes are known to optimize wound processes. At the same time, most modern resorbed membranes, both heterogeneous and synthetic, have a certain inhibitory effect on osteogenesis. This is due to both their composition and the properties of their decay products. The study contains the results of the effect on osteogenesis of innovative physiological resorbable membranes of membranes based on a composition of polyvinyl alcohols with the addition of C60 fullerenes.
Recent Publications :
1. Kaban’kov A.V, Ivanov A.S, Mnatsakanov S.S, Rumakin V.P, Reznichenko A.S. The peculiarities of the guided bone tissue regeneration on using resorbable membranes based on polyvinyl alcohol with the addition of C60 fullerenes. Russian Federation Vestnik VGMU. 2019;18(4):91-97.
2. Ivanov A.S, Kabankov. A.V, Mnatsakanov S.S. Toxicological characteristics of resordabl membranes based on polivinil alcohol with the addition of C60 fullerenes. The book of abstracts Internetional conference of experimental and numerical Investiganions and new technologies. – Serbia, 2020. – P. 21-23.


Andrey Kabankov has completed his PhD at the age of 25 years from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute name N. I. Pavlov in 1976, residency in combined trauma. Currently the competitor of a scientific degree of candidate of medical Sciences at the Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov, Saint-Petersburg. He has over 40 publications.

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