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Analysis of Students Preparedness for Participation in Liquidation of Medical Consequences of Emergency Situations caused by Infectious Agents as COVID-19

Medical & Life Science Event 2022
March 28, 2022 Webinar

Loginova S.D*, Kostyuchenko M.V, Kovaleva E.M, Muradova M. M, Fedorova A. R

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Russia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Arch Gen Intern Med


The work of a doctor in emergency situations requires specific knowledge and practical skills. In severe emergencies on a large territory, medical students are often involved to strengthen the medical service. It is crucial to prepare students for work in emergencies, especially in the case of epidemics and pandemics. The preparation at the medical university includes the study of the discipline "Life Safety" which covers basic concepts of disasters and safety in medical organizations, and the discipline "Disaster Medicine" which considers the medical service response during various emergencies. Faced with the coronavirus pandemic, it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of training students as possible participants of medical response. Objective: to analyze the preparedness of students to participate in liquidation of medical consequences of emergency situations caused by infectious agents as COVID-19. Material and methods: A survey collected data from 134 students of four main medical universities in Moscow (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University). The questionnaire included questions about the students' work experience in medical organizations and as volunteers, as well as during the coronavirus epidemic, and their attitude to work and desire to take further part in helping medical personnel. Results: According to the survey, from all students, there were 91,8% of those, had never taken part in the liquidation of the consequences of emergencies. Among the students who have experience working during emergencies, there are 6,7% of students of first-year education, 10,5% of the second-year, 9% of the third-year, 6,7% of the fourth-year, and 25% of the fifth course. In this category, there are 54,5% passed the exam to work as a nurse and have been already working in this position during the COVID-19 pandemic. Of all 134 students 27,6% worked as a volunteer, 10,6% worked in nursing positions and 7,3% had practice in the university clinics during pandemics. From students who worked during a pandemic, about 18% are not ready to participate one more time, despite the fact that there is 23,5% passed the exam to work as a nurse. Studying students' responses regarding their subjective assessment of readiness to work during the pandemic, it is important that among all students 77,2% are ready to work during emergencies (58,6% of first-year students, 13,6% from the second-year, 7,4% from the third year, 11,6% from the fourth, 5,3% from the fifth and the same amount of students from the sixth course) whereas 23,8% feel unprepared. According to the survey, for preparation for their work in a pandemic, about 16% of students used internet resources, 13,4 % got the information from the employer, 23,8% used only information from the university classes. More than half of the whole students (53,7%) think that universities do not provide them with enough information to work during pandemics. This may be due to a fairly large number of students of the first three courses, while the discipline "Disaster Medicine" is studied in 4-5 courses. Conclusion: During the survey, we found that there is a category of students not ready to work in emergency situations. One of the main reasons is that not enough information was provided to successfully complete the task. The study shows the importance of strengthening the awareness and training of students during a pandemic before starting work.


Sofia Dmitrievna studied in Federal State autonomic educational institution of higher education “Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University” of the ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Student of the international Faculty.

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