Journal of Food Technology and Preservation

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Administering gluten free diet: Personal experience

Joint Event on 2nd International Conference on Food Safety and Hygiene & 7th International Conference on Nutrition, Food Science and Technology
March 07-09, 2019 | London, UK

Sushil Chandra Mahapatra

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Food Technol Pres

DOI: 10.4066/2591-796X-C1-005


Gluten is a cereal protein largely found in wheat and others, which triggers an auto-immune enteropathy in some genetically predisposed children, leading to a clinical problem called Celiac Disease (CD). The only known treatment for this condition is a Gluten Free Diet (GFD). When the CD patients follow a strict GFD, there is an improvement in the clinical and histological parameters. However even a very small reintroduction of gluten in the diet leads to atrophy of intestinal architecture of villi, leading to malabsorption, as seen in many micro-challenge studies. Various factors such as, inadvertent gluten consumption from “hidden” sources; too strict imposition of GFD; crosscontamination of originally gluten-free cereals during processing stages; lack of proper knowledge of the CD and its management; poor socio-economic status; and improper labeling of available food products for CD patients, make GFD compliance exceedingly difficult. We used dietary and compliance tools to provide and ensure a near zero GFD in the pediatric gastroenterology clinic. The assessment of nutritional intake was assessed by a. 24 h Dietary recall and b. Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ). The compliance to GFD was ensure by a. Semi-Quantitative Gluten Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQGFFQ); b. GFD Information Education Communication (IEC) booklet; c. Knowledge Attitude Practice (KAP) questionnaire and d. Nutritionists’ GFD Adherence Scale (NGFDAS). Finally, to provide a near zero GFD, an improvised GFD advice (iGFD) was done. With motivating the parents, care givers and the CD patients, most of the patients did improve as indicated by their growth and intestinal biopsy.


Sushil Chandra Mahapatra has completed his MD from AIIMS, New Delhi; the premier medical institute in India in the year 1985. He has many publications that have been cited over 1000 times, and his publication H-index is 15 and i-10 index 18. He is a WHO fellow and has been awarded Best Teacher by the Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India. The above study was part of the PhD thesis work of his student Ms. Shihka Nayar. 


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