Research and Reports in Gynecology and Obstetrics

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Abdominal pregnancy with a live newborn in a low-resource setting : A case report

8th International Conference GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS
April 27-28, 2023 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Olivier Mulisya

FEPSI Hospital, Congo

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Res Rep Gynecol Obstet


Abdominal pregnancy is defined as pregnancy anywhere within the peritoneal cavity, exclusive of tubal, ovarian, or broad ligament locations. It is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy with high morbidity and mortality for both the mother and the fetus. Diagnosis can be frequently missed in most poor-resource settings because of poor antenatal coverage, low socioeconomic status in most of the patients as well as lack of adequate medical resources. Clinical diagnosis can be very difficult and ultrasound scan is very helpful during the early stages of gestation but can also be disappointing in the later stages. We report a case of 25 year old woman with severe abdominal pain not amended with any medication. A clinical picture of shock lead to an emergency laparotomy which confirmed the diagnosis of abdominal pregnancy. The ministry of health in developing countries should make an effort to make routine early ultrasound accessible to pregnant women, and the obstetricians should keep in mind the possibility of ectopic pregnancy, irrespective of the gestational age. Recent publications 1. Nemat AbdulRahman AbdulJabbar, S. Saquib, W.E. Mohammed Talha. Successful Management of Abdominal Pregnancy: two case reports. Oman Med. J., 33 (2) (2018 Mar), pp. 171-175. 2. T. Gure, S. Sultan, R. Alishum, A. Ali, B. Dibaba, I. Usmael, S. Tsegaye. Term abdominal pregnancy with live baby: case report from Hiwot Fana specialized university hospital, eastern Ethiopia. Int. Med. Case Rep. J., 14 (2021), pp. 689-695. 3. A. Siati, T. Berrada, A. Baidada, A. Kharbach. Abdominal pregnancy with a healthy newborn: a new case. Pan. Afr. Med. J., 34 (2019 Sep 16), p. 35.


Olivier Mulisya is a skilled Medical Practitioner with expertise in Gynecology and Obstetrics. She currently serves at the department of Gynecology and Obstetrics in FEPSI hospital, Butembo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, where she is committed to providing quality healthcare services to his patients..

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