A pre-experimental study to assess the effect of respiratory exercises on selected respiratory parameters among post operative coronary artery bypass grafting patients
September 19, 2022 | Webinar
Atul Lawrence
Rattan Professional Education College, Punjab
Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Curr Trend Cardiol
Objective: To assess and describe the effect of the Respiratory exercises on selected respiratory parameters among post operative coronary artery bypass grafting patients at Ace Heart and Vascular Institution of Shivalik Hospital, Mohali 2014-15. Methods: Quantitative Experimental research approach., Pre experimental study (pre-test post-test design) was conducted on the effect of Respiratory Exercises on Selected Respiratory Parameters among 30 Post Operative Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting patients. Non probability convenient sampling technique was adopted to recruit samples. The selection and development of tool was based on “Protocol on respiratory exercises, protocol on selected respiratory parameters’ assessment, Performa to record selected respiratory parameters”. Result: The effect of selected respiratory exercises on the respiratory parameter was calculated with the help of paired “t” test values and the mean difference of day 1 to day 4 (pre-test and post-test design) was calculated therefore it was found to be significant difference within the pre-test and post-test value. Conclusion: The conclusion was drawn that the selected respiratory exercises have great impact on the selected respiratory parameters as it was improved the expansion of thorax, tidal volume and Spo2. The selected respiratory exercises were helpful in speedy recovery and prevent post operative complication of study subjects. It was also found that respiratory exercises decrease the level of pain and adventitious breath sound.
References :
1. Susan L Woods. Cardiac Nursing. 5th Edition. New York Wulter Kulwer Company.2005; 760-773.
2. Joyce. M Black, Jane Hokanson Hawks. 7th edition. Volume-I: Medical and Surgical Nursing; 1524-1526.
3. Basavanthappa B.T. (2003), Medical surgical nursing (1st edition) New Delhi JP Brothers, Medical Publishers. Pp: 523-30.
Atul Lawrence has completed his M.Sc. Nursing, Medical Surgical nursing in cardio vascular & thoracic nursing. He is working as an assistant professor in rattan professional education college, Mohali, Punjab.