A new E-learning program about breastfeeding, continuing medical education in paediatrics
International Conference on Food safety and Hygiene
September 06-08, 2018 | Edinburgh, Scotland
Virginie Rigourd, C Roux, C Billeaud
Human Milk Bank of Ile de France Université de Bordeaux, France
Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Food Technol Pres
Background: Women mostly stop breastfeeding (BF) because
of a lack of support and information in the post-partum period.
In spite of the European recommendations: “improvement
the training of all the healthcare professionals involved in
perinatal period is the first stage of the recommendations
to favour BF”, during their medical studies, perinatal
professionals spend little time studying BF.
Objectives: An E-learning program on BF has been created
for healthcare professionals.
Material and method: This online program is the result of
a work between expert in BF and broadcasting distance
training professionals.
Summary of results: This “BF e-learning program” can be
found within the French Association of Paediatrics website, in
the section of the AEEP (www.aeep.asso.fr). The healthcare
professional will need 3 hours to approach the subject. He
will be able to: -Discover in the “course” tab, 5 main chapters
(epidemiological date- BF benefits- preparation for BF- BF
complications- BF in the everyday life). - Use the “research
system” to reach lexicon or go into tackled issues by using
a keyword. - Use the “documents” tab to download all the documents needed. - Strengthen his knowledge by studying
clinical cases and get closer to an Evidence Bases Medicine
method. - Validate his training by filling to the “quiz”. -
Discuss via the “messaging” tab with the expert authors.
Conclusion: This online program on BF, is an educational
method, which provides continuing medical formation and
evaluates practices in paediatrics. This program could be
complemented with a recent MOOC (massive online open
course) on BF. Take home message: We hope that improving
the BF knowledge of healthcare professionals will help
increasing and maintaining BF.
Virginie Rigourd is the managing director of the Human Milk Bank of Ile de France. She has graduated from the Medicine University in Paris, France in 1998 and finished post graduate training in 2003 from the same university on intra uterin growth retardation topics. She worked as paediatrician ahead of Ile de France Milk Bank, Paris, France and neonatalogiste in NICU at Necker Hospital, Paris, France. Member of the French Milk Bank Association and European Milk Bank Association. Since 2002 she worked as an national consultant, providing assessments of human milk security and on projects on human milk quality. Dr. Rigourd has carried out few research on medication and breast feeding. During her work she has gained local and national recognition for her different advice on breast feeding and on practice around human milk in NICIU.
E-mail: margotibo75@gmail.com