Ophthalmology Case Reports

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A clinical survey of pseudoexfoliation syndrome in Sulaimaniya city- Kurdistan Iraq

3rd International Conference on Eye and Vision
August 21-23, 2017 | Toronto, Canada

Ali A Taqi

University of Sulaimani, Iraq

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Ophthalmol Case Rep


Background: Pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PXF) is a wellknown clinical condition associated with cataract and the more serious blinding secondary open angle glaucoma that lead silently if unilateral or asymmetrical to irreversible loss of vision as the condition will not be diagnosed and treated early, so our objective is to estimate the size of the problem so we can plan to overcome the serious blinding outcome in the future. Study Design & Test Sample: Descriptive cross-sectional study of partially random sample. Aim & Objectives: To assess the clinical condition frequency and associated complications as cataract and glaucoma (PXG). Subjects & Methods: 252 patients of partially selected elderly Kurds aged 55 years or above those who visited also eye hospital for any reason, were selected and were enrolled, 128 females and 124 male patients in the survey. Full slit lamp examination, visual acuity, refraction, fundoscopy and intraocular pressure measurement by applanation tonometer were done to the patients. Results: Of total 252 patients examined, we report 73 patients (146 eyes) have the syndrome; this represents a frequency or relative prevalence of about 29%. 30 (44%) are females and 43 (56%) are males, so female to male ratio was about 2:3, of the affected 73 patients, 56 (76.7%) patients have the disease in both eyes (112 eyes) and 17 (23%) patients (34 eyes) of them was affected in one eye, of those affected 73 patients, 60 (82.2%) patient aged 65 years or above, 67 (91.7%) of them were moderate to heavy smokers. 15 patients (20.5 %) have glaucoma and only 3 know that and already on anti-glaucoma therapy, 12 patients (80%) have glaucoma in one eye with variable loss of visual acuity and visual field and discovered for first time. Of the affected 73 patients, 60 patients (82.2%) have visual acuity equal or less than 3/60 at least in one eye of variable causes which regarded as legally blind. All 73 patients have cataract of variable maturity, 30 patients (60 eyes) bilaterally and 43 patients unilaterally (43 eyes), for 3 patient’s surgeries were done and the remaining 70 patients have variable cataract at least in one eye and they are candidates for surgery. Conclusion: The syndrome is present in high percentage in elderly population, increasing with age and it is a bilateral disease although asymmetrical, it is associated with significant decrease in visual acuity by cataract formation or by glaucoma or both, treatment must be given early before permanent damage to the optic nerve.


Ali A Taqi has completed his graduation from Baghdad University Medical College in 1990, he got his Diploma in Ophthalmology in the year 1998 and his Arab Board Fellowship in the year 2002. He works as an Ophthalmologist since 1998 and as Senior Ophthalmologist and a Medical School Teacher since 2005. In the year 2008, he has prepared the SHO education guidelines in Ophthalmology and he did his Postgraduate high Diploma/Master study in the year 2007. He has supervised many of the researches in his field.

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