Otolaryngology Online Journal

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About The Journal ISSN: 2250-0359

Otolaryngology Online Journal

H Index: 7

Google Scholar h5 index: 5

Otolaryngology online Journal (2250-0359) is a vast and well researched subject in medical world. Analysing the medical part of it is assumed to be pivotal in curing many Ear and Throat infection and related diseases. As per the definition, otolaryngology is the area of medicine that deals with disorders condition of ear, nose or base of skull region and related structures of head and neck.

Otolaryngology Online Journal provides optimum platform where researchers from all over world can submit their work to it. Otolaryngology Online Journal is a famed international journal having an impeccable Reviewer and Editorial Board. This multidisciplinary open access journal provides the chance to researches to disseminate the work in the form of original research article, review article, case reports, short communication etc.

Otolaryngology Online Journal is a peer reviewed open access journal dedicated to the latest advancements of otorhinolaryngology, head, and neck surgery. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for researchers and otolaryngologists all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in all fields of Otolaryngology.

This journal encompasses the study related to Rhinitis and Rhinosinusitis, Sinonasal Disorders, Common Cold, Nasal Disorders, Neurotology, Laryngology, Head, Neck and Oral Oncology, Sinusitis etc.

Submission of articles containing advanced research output aiding in forwarding the subject are most welcome. The wide scope of the journal will aid in contributing a great measure of scientific information related to the advances in towards better healthcare.

Otolaryngology Online Journal is using Tracking System for easy online tracking and managing of the manuscript processing. Each article undergoes a peer review process under the aegis of an assigned Editor. To be acceptable for publication, an article should be positively considered by two individual reviewers followed by the Editor’s consent.

You may submit manuscripts online at https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/otolaryngology-online-journal.html or you may send the article as an email attachment to olary@esciencejournal.org 

Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process)

Otolaryngology Online Journal is participating in the Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process) with an additional prepayment of $99 apart from the regular article processing fee. Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process is a special service for the article that enables it to get a faster response in the pre-review stage from the handling editor as well as a review from the reviewer. An author can get a faster response of pre-review maximum in 3 days since submission, and a review process by the reviewer maximum in 5 days, followed by revision/publication in 2 days. If the article gets notified for revision by the handling editor, then it will take another 5 days for external review by the previous reviewer or alternative reviewer.

Acceptance of manuscripts is driven entirely by handling editorial team considerations and independent peer-review, ensuring the highest standards are maintained no matter the route to regular peer-reviewed publication or a fast editorial review process. The handling editor and the article contributor are responsible for adhering to scientific standards. The article FEE-Review process of $99 will not be refunded even if the article is rejected or withdrawn for publication.

The corresponding author or institution/organization is responsible for making the manuscript FEE-Review Process payment. The additional FEE-Review Process payment covers the fast review processing and quick editorial decisions, and regular article publication covers the preparation in various formats for online publication, securing full-text inclusion in a number of permanent archives like HTML, XML, and PDF, and feeding to different indexing agencies.


Articles published in Otolaryngology Online Journal have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Otolaryngology Online Journal has got h-index 12 , which means every article in Otolaryngology Online Journal has got 12 average citations.

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