About The Journal Open Access

Journal of Molecular Medicine and Therapy (JMMT), a newly launched journal which will be dedicated to advancing the science and practice of molecular medicine through the rapid publication of high-quality original research, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and technology reports, perspectives on all disciplines and therapeutic areas within the specialty.
The mission of Journal of Molecular Medicine and Therapy (JMMT) is to provide readers with a broad spectrum of themes in molecular medicine and therapy. The principal criterion for publication is potential impact on patient care.
Aims and Scope
Journal of Molecular Medicine and Therapy (JMMT) is an open access journal designed for the wide dissemination of research in this field to worldwide audience. New developments in methodology and techniques are important resources for the research community.
With an emphasis on conceptual breakthroughs, its goal is to facilitate rapid publication and circulation of novel discoveries in the field of molecular and clinical research, molecular immunology, molecular pathology, molecular genetics, molecular human genomics, molecular microbiology, molecular pathogenesis, molecular cardiology, molecular surgery and molecular psychology. It features original research, review articles, clinical cases, perspective, commentary and others.
Authors may submit manuscripts as an email attachment to molecularmedicine@alliedacademies.org
Just Published Articles
Research Article December 15, 2017
Mol Med Ther: 0(0): 25-29
The Tau MeTeR composites for the generation of continuous and categorical measures of tau deposits in the brain
Villemagne VL, Doré V, Bourgeat P, Burnham S, Mulligan R, Laws S, Fripp J, Cummings T, Salvado O, Masters CL, Rowe CC
Research Article November 30, 2017
Mol Med Ther: 0(0): 19-24
Position dependence of an enhancer activity of the human beta-globin intron-ii, within a heterologous gene.
Alireza Zomorodipour, Elham Moein Jahromi, Fariba Ataei, Sepideh Valimehr
Research Article November 30, 2017
Mol Med Ther: 0(0): 14-18
Characterization of glycine release from mouse hippocampal slices.
Simo S Oja, O Sakari Oja, Pirjo Saransaari
Research Article November 30, 2017
Mol Med Ther: 0(0): 8-13
Digital occlusal evaluation in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders.
Agne Dzingute, Gaivile Pileicikiene, Ausra Baltrusaityte
Review Article January 05, 2017
Mol Med Ther: 0(0): 1-9
FBN1 and TGFB1: Molecular mechanisms in the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections.
Ramune Sepetiene and Sandrita Simonyte