Journal of Mental Health and Aging

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Mary Chambers Author

The patients and healthcare professionals perceptions of an innovative telehealth system designed for community-based older adults with depressive symptoms

Mental Health Nursing, Kingston University, London, UK.


Dr. Mary Chambers is a registered mental health nurse (RMN) and general nurse (RGN), a registered nurse tutor and behaviour therapist. (JBCN 650). Dr. Chambers hold a B.Ed. (Hons) degree and PhD. She is Currently serving as a Professor of Mental Health Nursing and Director, Centre for Public Engagement. Prior to my current position, she has worked at University of Ulster, Royal College of Nursing, Research Institute, Oxford; South West London and St. George's Mental Health NHS Trust and Bethlem Royal and Maudsley Hospitals.

Subjects of specialization: Mental Health Nursing, Mental Illness, E-Learning, Psychiatry, Nursing Education

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