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Google Analytics Metrics for the Journal of Mental Health and Aging
A statistical representation of global users for Journal of Mental Health and Aging (Source: Google Analytics)

A statistical representation of global users for Journal of Mental Health and Aging (Source: Google Analytics)
- The visitor’s traffic is the benchmark for the success of any scientific journal and the Journal of Mental Health and Aging is constantly attracting viewers across the world.
- According to the Google Analytics, more than 17967 readers are visiting to our journal websites for submitting manuscripts, to browse the latest research published on diabetes and metabolism and to refer the published content for conceptualizing their research study, deriving research hypotheses, case reports and validating their contributions.
- Readers from the major countries including United States, Japan, United Kingdom, India, Egypt and Nigeria visit our journal domain to learn about the ongoing research activities in this field.
Analysis on global internet users of (By Google Analytics)
- Users : 2,147,577
- Page views : 6,486,148
- Downloads : 76
As per the latest available Google Stats, the number of web sessions was 2,882,056 with 2.25 percent rate of new sessions. Additionally several users are also revisiting the web site indicating their sustained interest to read and publish content with Allied Academies journal. Upon considering the stats for the linked resources of Allied academies, the counts will be much higher.