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Jae-Jin Shim Author

Nano Congress 2019: Graphene oxide: A promising nanomaterial for vitality and ecological applications - Jae-Jin Shim - Yeungnam University

Department of Chemical Engineering, Yeungnam University, South Korea


Jae-Jin Shim, Department of  Chemical Engineering, Yeungnam University, South Korea. Jae-Jin Shim received his BS degree from Seoul National University in 1980, MS degree from KAIST in 1982, PhD degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1990. He has been a professor in Yeungnam University since 1994 and served as School Chairman and Vice-Dean of Engineering. He served as the President of the Korean Society of Clean Technology and Vice President of the Korean Society of Engineering Education. He is the Directors of the Institute of Clean Technology and the Clean Energy Priority Research Center.

Subjects of specialization: Chemical Engineering

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