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B. Devika Chithrani Author

Nano Congress 2019 : Cancer nanotechnology: Gold nanostructures as a platform for combinational therapy in future cancer therapeutics - B. Devika Chithrani - University of Victroria

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, USA.


B. Devika Chithrani, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, USA. She obtained her BSc from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka where she was awarded the faculty gold medal and gold medal for physics. Further pursuing her higher education in Canada, she received her MSc and PhD degrees from University of Toronto where she was supported by the prestigious NSERC, OGS, and OGGST memberships. Dr. Chithrani completed her PhD research work at National Research Council, Canada and was granted an NSERC membership to continue her postdoctoral research in the field of nanobiotechnology. 

Subjects of specialization: Physics and Astronomy

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