2022: Volume 5, Issue 6
Opinion Article P.1-2
Analysis of electrocardiography in patients with pacemaker.
Author(s): Yoon Takahiro*
DOI: 10.35841/ AAJHHC-5.6.126
Short Communication P.1-2
Measuring of accurate blood pressure and their steps.
Author(s): Cserey Zhang*
DOI: 10.35841/AAJHHC-5.6.127
Perspective P.1-2
Assessment of anti hypertension and their risk factors.
Author(s): Campbell Zarnke*
DOI: 10.35841/AAJHHC-5.6.128
Opinion Article P.1-2
Early signs of arrhythmia and their medication safety.
Author(s): Plat Camn*
DOI: 10.35841/ AAJHHC-5.6.129
Perspective P.1-2
Impairment of heart′s blood pumping and its function.
Author(s): Incebay Paolo*
DOI: 10.35841/AAJHHC-5.6.130