Journal of Food Microbiology

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Articles in press and Articles in process

Short Communication P.1-2

Bioinformatics applications in food fermentation

Author(s): Yutong Luo


Commentary P.1-2

Food hygiene-related microorganisms' degradation of histamine

Author(s): Lorraine Chung


Case Report P.1-2

Climate Change's Effect on Preharvest Food Safety

Author(s): Hudaa Moutien


Opinion Article P.1-1

Separation of mycoplasma and acholeplasma from veggies

Author(s): Alexey Trushin


Rapid Communication P.1-2

A few patterns in the emergence of new foodborne diseases

Author(s): Sang Hwan


Mini Review P.1-2

Food sickness caused by toxic mold found in a soft drink

Author(s): Shahid Ahmed


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