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The Journal of Dermatology Research and Skin Care provides excellent publication options for works on the field of dermatology and aesthetics. High quality works have already been published about the new transmission methods of radiofrequency for collagen repairing and adiposity reduction, superoxide dismutase treatments for atopic dermatitis, the use of YIQ colour space for erythema scoring and case reports of dermatological pathologies as reticulohistiocytoma.
The open access politics guarantee visibility to author’s work with a quick publication process. An important variety of articles are accepted, among them can be find case reports, clinical trials, reviews, meta-analysis or any original scientific contribution which improves the quality of dermatology practise.
Especially welcomed are research articles on technological advances in diagnosis and treatments, validation of rating scales, new treatments and updates in aesthetic surgery. Future of the journal will focus on the growth of dermatology research in every of its fields.
A peer view reviewer system guarantees the quality of the manuscripts published in the journal, advising the authors about how they could improve their works in order to show their results in an effective, easy going and clear way. Figures, pictures and tables are welcome to increase the level of comprehension of the information revealed. We encourage professionals and researchers to submit papers for evaluation and publication by the journal as an opportunity to grow together and reveal the potential of the research in dermatology field.
Our advertising policy offers visibility by images and text ads placed through the journal and website. Both institutions and enterprises are welcome to participate as partners by including information that can be suitable for journal readers and professionals in the field of dermatology.
The strong experience of Allied Academies publisher for more than 20 years covering scientific journals ensures a serious showcase for actual researching results.