Journal of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research

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Khoren Abelian Author

Parenchymal haemorrhage post CT guided percutaneous lung biopsy. A frequent but insignificant complication?

Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, Thomas Drive, Liverpool L14 3PE, UK


The results broadly follow published studies, namely the UK and the BTS studies, with complication rates regarding pneumothorax and haemoptysis within acceptable results. The complication rate of parenchymal haemorrhage was significantly higher, although all were self-limited, and none led to any significant clinical complication. We propose that parenchymal haemorrhage is under-reported in the published literature and mostly clinically not significant. 

Subjects of specialization: Parenchymal haemorrhage, percutaneous lung biopsy, Computed Tomography, lung biopsies , chest X-ray

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