Journal of Clinical Immunology Research

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Pramathadhip Paul Author

Euro Immunology 2018- Proof of concept and validation of a novel format of stable single chain antibodies for the drug discovery studies in pre-clinical models, Pramathadhip Paul, University of Calcutta, India

Ph.D. senior research fellow at University of Calcutta, Department of Zoology, Immunology and Regenerative Medicine Research Laboratory, India.


Dr.Pramathadhip Paul, alumni of RISM (2005) delivered a talk to PG Biotechnology students highlighting the importance of research and how to prepare for competitive examinations. He obtained his doctorate degree from University of Calcutta in the field of Immunology and regenerative medicine under the guidance of Dr. Ena Ray Banerjee.

Subjects of specialization: Immunology, Antibody engineering, Lung inflammation, Allergy-Asthma, Protein chemistry

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