Journal of Agricultural Science and Botany

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T. Vaitheeswaran Author

On rare occurrence of pronghorn spiny lobster, Panulirus penicillatus (Olivier, 1791) off Tuticorin coast, India (08?35.912?N and 78? 25.327?E) (25 M).

International University of East Africa Uganda � Fisheries M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D (ZOOLOGY/FISHERIES SCIENCE)


Dr. Vaitheeswaran Thiruvengadam M.Sc., M. Phil., Ph.D., served as a Project Manager, International University of East Africa, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. He has received the award an Ende. Inter.Postgraduate Research Scholarship (Ph.D), Aquaculture, University of Tasmania, Australia. Fisheries stock assessment of (FiSAT software) (Primer v 6 software) Biodiversity assessment of finfish and shellfish and taxonomy.

Subjects of specialization: Marine Ecology, Invasive Species, Biodiversity, Conservation Biology, Water Quality

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