International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology

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Seasonal Changes on Glutathione S-Transferase Activities in Perna Viridis on Differently Polluted Areas Along The South East Cost of India

Department of Animal Behaviour and Physiology, School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University Department of Animal Science, Bharathidasan University


Dr. C.Amutha,  Educational Qualifications : M.Sc., PhD., SLET and she has professional experience 8 years in teaching and 18 years in Reseach .
RESEARCH SPECIALIZATION : Impacts of Endocrine disruption on aquatic organisms and its Bioremediation using Nanoparticle for PAHs, PCBs, PBPs and Heavymetals in aquatic environment, epigenomic study on aquatic species due to herbicides (Glyphosate Atrazime).
 ON?GOING RESEARCH PROJECT : Ornamental fish culture technology for women empowerment and create awareness to prevent its common infectious diseases.

Subjects of specialization: Endocrine disruption, Enzyme defense Mechanism, , Aquarium Management and Ornamental Fish culture

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