Articles in press and Articles in process
Research Article P.1-6
Contribution of traditional techniques in the stabilization of raw milk in the Sahel of Niger.
Author(s): Issoufou Amadou*, Oumarou Samna Soumana, Ibrahim Halilou Amadou, Mahamane Nouhou Bazanfare
Research Article P.1-4
Application of biopolymer film for edible coating on fruits and vegetables to increase their shelf life.
Author(s): Sunita Mishra, Jagriti Joshi
DOI: 10.35841/2591-796X-7.4.182
Perspective P.1-2
Lactose intolerance and the lowdown on lactose.
Author(s): John Olivia*
DOI: 10.35841/aaftp.7.4.181
Full Text PDFReview Article P.1-5
The possible therapeutic options against COVID-19
Author(s): Ahmad.F. Kombo1,3,4, Zhi-Guang Ren2,3, Da-yong Wang1,4, Dong-dong Wu1,2,3,5*, Xi Ying Ji1,2,3*