About The Journal ISSN: 2529-8046

Dr. Henk A. Tennekes
Independent consultant in Toxicology in Pratteln,
Switzerland (1992-1998) and Sissach, Switzerland (1998-2002),
now based in Zutphen, the Netherlands
Indexed with CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)
*Journal Impact Factor (2020): 2.083
Journal of Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation provides a resource for professionals researching and assessing environmental threats to both Homo sapiens and ecological systems. The editors believe papers published to be original, of sound science, purposeful for risk analysis (valuation, communication, management) and related areas, well written (in English), and a contribution to the scientific works. The journal's emphasis is on publication of papers that contribute to improvements in human and environmental health.
The journal is a quarterly, international, fully peer-reviewed publication. The journal's scope comprises of methodical and scientific information and also critical analysis in the following areas:
- Analysis and mapping of natural processes.
- Pollution Management, Pollution Control, Waste Management.
- Review and Strategy for policy making.
- Formulation of national/international environmental protection policy.
- Comparative legal aspects of pollution.
- Assessment of risks from water, soil and air pollution; effective and viable remedies.
- Protection of soil and groundwater.
- Ecosystem research.
- Waste disposal strategies.
- Ecological impact of pollutants, Clean technologies and Technological hazards
- Stochastic atmospheric and climate processes.
- Air pollution and quality assessment research.
- Modern Geostatistics.
- Mechanisms of pollutant formation, emission, exposure and absorption.
- Physical, chemical and biological analysis of human exposure from single and multiple media and routes; control and protection.
- Bioinformatics.
- Probabilistic methods in ecology and population biology.
- Epidemiological surveys.
- Models using stochastic differential equations stochastic or partial differential equations.
- Hazardous waste site characterization.
- Evaluation of environmental risk and safety
- Environment and sustainable development
- Environmental education and training
- Environmental risk assessment, consistency analysis and decision making.
- Surface and subsurface hydrology and hydraulics.
- Multiphase porous media domains and contaminant transport modelling.
- Hazardous waste site classification.
The Aim of the journal 'Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation' is to accommodate an accurate advice average to altercate the absolute advancements in the area of environmental risk. This account aims to accumulate and assets precise, specific, abundant manuscripts on the environmental scope. This Journal is a scientific open access one meant for the valuable researches and many developmental activities in the scientific community. It includes all the aspects in environmental sciences. Manuscripts are recommended from all the studies related to environment risk including basic ecology systems including all vegetation, animals, microorganisms, rocks, atmosphere and natural phenomena that occur within their boundaries.
It includes universal natural resources and physical phenomena that lack clear-cut boundaries, such as air, water, and climate, as well as energy, radiation, electric charge, and magnetism, not originating from human activity. Journal produces the valued manuscripts under its scope with valued scientific information.
Email your manuscript to the Editorial Office at environment@alliedjournals.org and/or environmentrisk@theresearchpub.com or submit online at https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/environmental-risk-assessment-remediation.html
*2018 Journal Impact Factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2016 and 2017 with the number of times they are cited in 2018 based on Google Scholar Citation Index database. If 'X' is the total number of articles published in 2016 and 2017, and 'Y' is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2018 then, journal impact factor = Y/X.
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Articles published in Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation has got h-index 10 , which means every article in Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation has got 10 average citations.
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Research Article February 18, 2025
Environ Risk Assess Remediat: 9(1): 1-13
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Abolfazl Mohammadi Khorzani, Heshmat Omidi*, Seyed Mohammadreza Seify, Shabnam Moradi
Research Article February 18, 2025
Environ Risk Assess Remediat: 9(1): 1-7
Is the adsorption of crude oil on clays relevant to free swelling index?.
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Air Pollution and Health Impacts
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Plastic Waste Management Innovations.
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Pollution Policies and International Cooperation: Working Together for a Cleaner Future.
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