18th International Conference on Neurology and Neurological Disorders
August 23-24, 2018 | Paris, France
Identification of evolutionarily conserved gene networks mediating Neurodegenerative Dementia
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res
Vivek Swarup -
Optimizing safe and effective patient care focus on clinical pharmacist services and outcomes at the Medication Therapy Management Clinic: Stroke prevention
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res
Nahed Lubbad ,Fahmi Al Senani, Mohammad Memone and Mohammad Al Hazzaa -
Spatial reasoning skills in the male brain: The risk of losing it
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res
Bernadete Marcia Voichcoski ,Machado, V. N, Sovierzoski, M.A, Sbalqueiro, R and Liberalesso, P.B.N -
Spatiotemporal dynamics of the human effective connectome in Neurological disorders
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res
Radu Mutihac -
The role of lipids-nucleic acids interactions in nuclear pores assembly and in Alzheimer’s disease origin
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res
Vasily Kuvichkin -
Turning Stress into focus with Soundscaping
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res
Robert L Burton