Clinical Journals
Clinical science is a branch of medicine that combines the principles of medicine, biology, chemistry, and analytical science. Clinical science addresses the issues in healthcare in laboratory settings. This branch of science ensures the safety and efficacy of medicines, medical devices, and diagnostic procedures meant for human use. Special attention is paid to intervention associated features like safety, dosage, toxicity, efficacy, and adverse-events. This branch of science also deals with the treatment regimen of these products and procedures. Clinical science involves experimental work, such as testing, detecting, analyzing, and evaluating blood, tissues, cells, or, bodily fluids. Clinical science is a vast field in which professionals employ laboratory skills and analysis to assess patients.
Addiction & Criminology
Research in Addiction Journal scope spans experiments on humans, epidemiological, and clinical with policy research relating to addiction, primarily in the areas of psychoactive substance use, and all aspects of addiction.
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Journal of Cancer Clinical Research
Journal of Cancer Clinical Research covers a wide range of topics in this field including, Cancer Clinical Trials; Cancer Diagnosis; Cancer Therapies; Anti-Cancer Drug; Cancer Therapeutics; Oncogenes; Cancer and Metastasis; Neuro-Oncology; Benign Neoplasm; Oncology Research; Clinical Oncology; Carcinogenesis Research; Malignant melanoma; 3D Mammograms; Alternative Cancer Medicines; Cancer and Nutrition; Chemoprevention; Cancer Screening; Cancer Epidemiology; Molecular Cancer Therapeutics.
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Journal of Clinical and Experimental Toxicology
The journal aims to cater to the diversified needs of veterinary professionals, neurologists, physicians, dietician, nutritionists, agricultural scientists, gynecologists, career councilors, human resource development professionals and Information Technology specialists.
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Journal of Clinical and Experimental Traumatology
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Traumatology incorporates multiple facets of clinical traumatology including psycho-traumatology, developmental traumatology, orthopedic traumatology, post-traumatic stress management, civilian medicine and military medicine.
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Journal of Clinical Dentistry and Oral Health
The broad scope of the Journal of Clinical Dentistry and oral health encompasses the conceptual and applicatory aspects of tooth pathology, endodontics, geriodontics, oral microbiology, oral biology, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, implant dentistry, forensic dentistry, primary care dentistry, maxillofacial pathology and veterinary dentistry.
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Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Research
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Research envisages the publication of latest developments in the field of clinical endocrinology and its allied scientific disciplines viz. geriatric endocrinology, pediatric endocrinology, behavioral endocrinology, gynecological endocrinology.
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Journal of Clinical Nephrology and Therapeutics
The Journal of Clinical Nephrology and Therapeutics publishes scientific manuscripts that are directly or indirectly based on variegated aspects of clinical nephrology, diabetic nephropathy, pediatric nephrology, renal physiology, renal histopathology, immunobiology, intensive care nephrology and ischemic nephropathy.
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Journal of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research
The quality of the journal will be maintained higher, practicing original data presentation and ethical clarity. Accuracy and authenticity in the scientific data representation will be given utmost priority for publication.
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Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
The journal publishes manuscripts by the Ophthalmologists and for the ophthalmologists as well as for the individuals involved in Clinical Ophthalmology research. It features original research articles, review articles, clinical cases, perspective, and commentary by covering all areas of eye disease.
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Journal of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
The journal scope encompasses the knowledge in clinical and laboratory analysis of bodily fluids, disease causing pathogens, their rapid diagnosis, preventive measures and associated outcomes, studies of prognosis and clinical implications of such diseases and their relevance to modern medicine etc.
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Journal of Clinical Respiratory Medicine
The journal follows double blinded scholarly peer review process where the received submissions are sent to the scrutiny of expert reviewers.
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Journal of Dermatology Research and Skin Care
Aims and Scope The journal aims to publish the most advanced and original research as research articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, commentaries, images, video articles, etc.
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Journal of Diabetology
Journal of Diabetology encourages authors to submit manuscripts as editorials, reviews, commentaries, reports of expert committees, and case reports on any aspect of diabetes. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed and published under the guidance of our Editorial Board members to assure that high-quality information in the field of diabetes is made available to readers.
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Journal of Pathology and Disease Biology
The journal scope encompasses the knowledge in medical research of the pathology and disease biology such as disease pathology, surgical pathology, clinical pathology, oral pathology, modern pathology, carcinoma pathology, liver pathology, tau pathology, human pathology, brain pathology, digital pathology, forensic pathology, renal pathology, radiation pathology, cytopathology, etc.
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Journal of Pulmonology and Clinical Research
Journal of Pulmonology and Clinical Research aims to publish high quality, diverse article as Research, Review, Mini Review, Rapid Communications, Perspectives, Editorials, and Letters to the editor.
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Ophthalmology Case Reports
Submission of important articles containing advanced research output aiding in forwarding the subject are most welcome. The wide scope of the journal will aid in contributing a great measure of scientific information related to the advances in towards better healthcare.
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Research in Clinical Dermatology
The journal scope encompasses the knowledge in medical research of the topics related to melanoma, acne and pigmentation management, plastic surgery, cosmetic dermatology, cosmetic surgery and dermatitis.
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Clinical Sciences Conferences
6th World Congress on Patient Safety, Health Care and Well-being
Toronto, Canada
37th Annual World Dentistry Summit
Vancouver, Canada