About The Journal Open Access

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Traumatology is an international peer reviewed journal that prioritizes publication of research findings in the field of traumatology, with special reference to clinical issues regarding treatment of polytrauma, severe head injuries, chest trauma, abdominal trauma, extremity trauma, blunt trauma, pediatric trauma, dental trauma, orthopedic trauma and thoracic trauma.
The journal focusses on the furtherance of biomedical research pertaining to trauma management in critical cases of skull fracture as well as head and neck trauma. The journal features original research, review articles, clinical cases, perspective, commentary and others that showcase research developments in intensive care practices adept in trauma care and management.
Aims and Scope
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Traumatology incorporates multiple facets of clinical traumatology including psycho-traumatology, developmental traumatology, orthopedic traumatology, post-traumatic stress management, civilian medicine and military medicine.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Traumatology is an open access journal directed towards traumatologists, psychologists, physicians, surgeons and researchers working on intensive care and treatment practices.
You may submit manuscripts as an email attachment to the traumatology@alliedacademies.org
Just Published Articles
Editorial October 04, 2017
J Clin Exp Traumatol: 1(1): 7-8
Vestibular influences on respiratory endurance.
Teenu mol M J, Kumar Sai Sailesh, Archana R, Srilatha Bhasetti, Mukkadan J K
Editorial September 09, 2017
J Clin Exp Traumatol: 1(1): 1-1
Role of physiotherapy in post-chikungunya musculoskeletal pain management
Md Monoarul Haque
Editorial August 22, 2017
J Clin Exp Traumatol: 1(1): 6-6
Tomorrow starts today??
Alfredas Smailys
Editorial August 22, 2017
J Clin Exp Traumatol: 1(1): 4-5
Proximal IM nailing of unstable trochanteric fractures: minimally invasive reduction aids - a review.
Antonio Barquet
Case Report August 22, 2017
J Clin Exp Traumatol: 1(1): 2-3
Safety bracelet (limb restrainer): a novel innovative device, for patient care in pre-hospital or hospital stay phase.
Guru Dutta Satyarthee